Thursday, December 2, 2010

"It could all be so simple, but you'd rather make it hard."

I really don't know what has come over me. I have become consumed with work, none of it fun might I add. My life has gone out of control and I'm not even holding the reigns. My mind has gone blank, my style out the door and my bank account empty. I have been buying Christmas gifts out the wazoo and literally have worn my pair of wellies for four days in a row. You want to know why? Because they don't have laces and I can slip them on and off. Awful I know, I look like a permanent farm hand.
Now that I am done wallowing I apologize. The good things in my life have been some what interesting. I am quite excited for this Christmas party I got invited too. I have only one more college test and I am officially done applying ( I have a decision from one application but it won't let me view it). I got my sister some pretty fantastic gifts. But mostly importantly, I went to Ikea. Enough said. So I guess life is what you make it (I sound like that awful Miley Cyrus song). But in a way it is true and for this holiday season I will start acting merry, or I will get coal for Christmas.
Photos of Sex and the City intro, Rihanna in Music Video, Alexa Chung for Madewell Ad, Adele at Grammy's

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